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Some of Our Church Ministries

Our Church is very active and engaged in a variety of ministries.  A sampling of our church ministries is listed below.  We believe in the Methodist tradition of a balance of personal holiness and social holiness.  We come to church to grow in our personal faith as disciples of Jesus Christ so that we can go out into our communities and the world and live out our faith in tangible ways, serving and loving others.
Children's Ministries


Our Children's Ministries include several opportunities for children and youth to learn about and grow in the Christian faith.  Sunday School is held during the 9 AM worship service from the second Sunday in September through the first Sunday in June.  Sunday School is available for children and youth ages 3 to 18.


In the summer we offer Vacation Bible School (VBS) for children ages 3 - 11.  Teenagers are welcome to participate as helpers working with the younger children. 


First Sunday of each Month our Youth Group meets.  This program is for youth in Grades 6 through 12, 5 pm to 7 pm!


Sunday/Funday is for children through Grade 5 and meets on the third Sunday of each month from 11 am to 1 pm.



Stephen Ministry


We are here to help.
Are you facing a challenging situation like the death of a loved one, job loss, illness, or divorce? Do you need someone to talk to and you are not sure where to turn? The Stephen Ministry Program is ready to help. This free, one-to-one, lay Christian care giving can help you get through this difficult time. You can request to have a Stephen Minister assigned to you to meet with you regularly and walk with you as you contend with difficult life changes or situations.
Leave us a message by calling - 518-467-6410.

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Powell Thrift Shop


Hours of operation:



Wednesday: 10AM-4PM
Thursday: 10AM-7PM
Friday: 10AM-4PM
Saturday: 10AM-1PM


We carry items such as clothing, dishes, toys, linens, shoes, nick-knacks, books, movies, etc. Come and visit us, meet our staff... we might just have what you're looking for!  Our donation and sorting area has been expanded over the winter. Our new donation drop off door is in the back of the store. Thank you all for donations to this great cause.

ITEMS CURRENTLY NEEDED: Gently worn clothing; small household items and decorative items; blankets, towels, sheets, shoes, pocketbooks.......

*PLEASE NOTE-we do not accept larger items like large furniture or TV's. Contact the church about donations for their church auction for such item.

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UMC Daycare


The Asbury United Methodist Church runs the UMC Daycare on our church premises, offering the following services:


Daycare services for children age 6 weeks to 12 years old.  Our hours of operation are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday.

Early Educational Programs:
Church Mouse Nursery School (since 1982) for 3 year olds.
Universal Pre-Kindergarten for 4 year olds.

We Offer:
Before School Care.
After School Care.
Full Day School Aged Summer Programs.


Asbury UMC Day Care Center and School Aged Programs
Corie Litchko, Director
(518) 966-4181 ext. 1006
PO Box 599 Greenville NY 12083
Hours of operation Monday-Friday 7am-6pm

Licensed by the NYSOCFS.
Owned and Operated by the Asbury United Methodist Church of Greenville

United Women in Faith


The United Women in Faith is an active group that meets on the second Monday of each month, excluding January and August, at 11 a.m. At times the group meets in members' homes, often in the Wesley Room of the church, and occasionally at a restaurant.

Each get together includes lunch as a group. Most often, attendees bring their own sandwiches and hostesses provide coffee, tea and dessert. A long table is set and decorated to make each luncheon an event. At times everyone brings a dish to pass, perhaps as a picnic or as a meal at someone's home.

A program is presented at every UWF meeting, and although topics vary widely, each program leaves one with food for thought. Topics covered in the past have included prayer, human trafficking, reports on retreats and district meetings, and the stories behind favorite hymns. Every year one program is the assembly of kits for the United Methodist Committee on Relief and another involves the creation of harvest baskets to be delivered to church members who are not as mobile as they used to be. Still other programs include opportunities to reminisce and reflect. Games and fun often play an important part in fellowship.

There is also business to be conducted, as the UWF ladies are active in local and global missions. They create kits for UMCOR, support missionaries and non-profits, provide scholarships and contribute toward church activities such as Sunday school and youth group. They co-host the church's yearly family picnic and sometimes offer adult fellowship activities such as pizza parties at a local restaurant. They also plan evening activities just for women, and send cards and flowers to ailing church members.

The UWF has invested in a small library of books on Christian topics, such as spiritual leadership, prayer, social issues, and nurturing for community. All church members are invited to sign out and read books. In times of need, the UWF provides refreshments after funerals and helps support the church's weekly coffee hour. Funds are provided by the group's busy hands: The UWF hosts two bake sales and a Brooks Barbecue each year.
This UWF unit has been recognized as a five-star unit by the Catskill-Hudson District annually for the past twenty-five years.

Anyone interested in the group's current activities may check the bulletin board in the Wesley Room of the church or contact any UWF member. The current officers of UWF are Judy Wright, President; Vacant, Vice President; Debbie Garman, Secretary; and Mary Bear, Treasurer.

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